Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Child Abuse And Its Effects On Children - 1132 Words
Introduction Child abuse takes many different forms. Including physical, sexual, emotional, or neglect of a children by parents, guardians, or others responsible for a child s welfare. Regardless of the type of abuse, the child’s devolvement is greatly impacted. The child’s risk for emotional, behavioral, academic, social, and physical problems in life increase. According to the Child Maltreatment Report by the Children’s Bureau (1999) the most common form of child abuse in the United States is neglect. As of 2005, just as much victims were male as there were female. The development of the brain during infancy and childhood is critical because during this time period the brain is most adaptable and shapes according to experiences (Perry, 2009.). Essentially, this means the brain modifies itself in response to experiences. Positive experiences causes the brain to develop healthy and flexible. However, negative traumatic experiences can lead to alterations in brain structure. There are many impacts on the physiology of the brain due to child abuse such as, Impact on the cortex and limbic system. Victims of abuse are sensitive to even minor stimuli a result of decreased frontal lobe functioning (learning and problem solving) and increased limbic system sensitivity (Impact on the physiology of the brain, n.d.) Article summary # 1 A study was done to examine the influence of the various forms of child abuse on adult victim’s ages 18-59 years of age. Participants: the studyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Child Abuse On Children935 Words  | 4 PagesChild abuse has been an issue in America since the beginning of time, but lately there has gradually been an increase in reported incidents of abuse. There are several types of child abuse that are present in today’s society. The different types of abuse include physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Of the different maltreatment types, four-fifths (78.3%) of unique victims were neglected, 17.6 percent were physically abused, 9.2 percent were sexually abused, 8.1 percent were psychologically maltreatedRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children Essay1489 Words  | 6 Pagesindividuals corrected. However, there are cases that have not been solved or not stopped by the law. Child abuse is common. Child abuse can be caused by a variety of reasons. Scientist have been studying and they have some ideas on what prompt people to harm children (Ian Hacking). They are trying to end child abuse, but there is so much they can do. Many children abuse incidents are not reported. Child abuse may have many causes as in way the abuser does it. One specific factor is the background of theRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children913 Words  | 4 Pagesseveral types of abuse, there’s physical, emotional, verbal and several others abuses. But the abuse I would like to focus on is child abuse. Domestic violence towards children is important because there is a way to prevent it from happening. Typical parents and caregivers do not intend to abuse their children. Abuse is mainly directed toward the behaviors that are given off towards one another. Author David Gil defines child abuse as an occurrence where a caretaker injures a child, not by accidentRead MoreChild Abuse Is An Effect On Children1657 Words à ‚ | 7 PagesIn 2010 according to the census bureau there were 74,100,000 U.S children between the ages of 0-17 being abused and 3.3 million referrals. This effected on average 1-10 U.S families and children, there were more than 32,200,000 U.S families with children under the age of 18 according to the 2010 census bureau. From the 3.3 million hotline calls in 2010 there were less than 475,000 sustained cases (2010 NCANDS: 436,321 sustained +24,976 indicated = 461,297 total) resulting in about 15% of hotlineRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1317 Words  | 6 PagesChild abuse has long been an ongoing social problem; this abuse has been one of the repeatedly difficult accusations to prove in our criminal justice system. Child abuse causes many years of suffering for victims. Children abused suffer from chemical imbalances, behavioral issues and are at high risk for becoming abusers or being abused in adult relationships. This cycle of learned behavior and suffering will be a hopeless reoccurring problem unless the criminal justice system and protocols for abusersRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1488 Words  | 6 Pages â€Æ' In addressing child abuse we are confronted with a series of problems. On the one hand, there is a lack of the true extent of the phenomenon because no data are available and that the issue, often refers to the most intimate spaces of family life. Furthermore, cultural and historical traditions affect the way each society faces this problem. Finally, there are varying opinions as to its definition and classification, as well as the consequences of child abuse may have and its subsequent therapeuticRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1263 Words  | 6 Pages Child Abuse Child abuse is any behavior which, by action or omission, produces physical or psychological damage to a person less than 18 years, affecting the development of his personality. In homes, it is believed that the most effective way to educate children is using the abuse. This form of punishment it used as an instrument of correction and moral training strategy as it is the first and most persistent justification of damage and maltreated mothers parents inflict on their children. SocietyRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1160 Words  | 5 PagesMost parents and other caregivers do not intend to hurt their children, but abuse is defined by the effect on the child, not the motivation of the parents or caregiver. Tens of thousands of children each year are traumatized by physical, sexual, and emotional abusers or by caregivers who neglect them, making child abuse as common as it is shocking. Most of us can’t imagine what would make an adult use violence against a child, and the worse the behavior is, the more unimaginable it seems. ButRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1227 Words  | 5 Pagesreports of child abuse are made involving more than 6 million children. The United States has one of the worst records of child abuse losing 4-7 children a day to the abuse. Abuse is when any behavior or action that is used to scare, harm, threaten, control or intimidate another person. Child abuse is a behavior outside the norms of conduct and entails substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm. There are four main types of child abuse; physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, andRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1126 Words  | 5 PagesMrs.Pettit 6 June 2015 Child Abuse â€Å"It’s easier to throw away a child who reacts to his abuse than attempt to heal his pain†- Dwight E. Abbot . As a world we need to protect our children from child abuse whether the abuser is emotionally disabled or not mentally stable if we make a change to stopping child abuse many children lives can be saved. Child abuse endangers the child’s physical and emotional health and development. Our society needs to prevent child abuse at all cost. Throughout the
Monday, December 23, 2019
Obesity An Epidemic Affecting American Adults Essay
Obesity is an epidemic affecting 36.5% of American adults (Ogden et. al., 2015). The sedentary lifestyle that is prevalent in today’s technology focused society is the principal cause of the pandemic extent of this disease. The obvious cure is physical exercise, which for some can be a daunting and menial engagement. Tennis is an enjoyable way to combat obesity, and is the most viable method for doing so. Obesity is a threat to the health of this nation and is the root of many life-threatening ailments, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and type 2 diabetes (â€Å"What are the Risks of Obesity and Overweight†2012). These diseases severely decrease the the quality of life for those affected, with many of the victims suffering greatly until they are consumed by death. The treatment of these diseases is expensive and it does not cure the underlying cause nor does it ameliorate its grueling side effects. 17% of children aged between 2 and 19 are obese (â€Å"Prevalence of Childhood Obesity†2015), creating a new generation of obese Americans. These children are being plagued by diseases that previously solely affected adults, namely diabetes and heart disease. Along with the children, the elderly and middle-aged are prone to obesity as well. 40.2% of Americans between the ages of 40 and 59 are classified as obese, along with 37% of people over 60 (Ogden et. al., 2015). The quality of life for these individuals is severely diminished, and it isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Obesity in America on the Rise1266 Words  | 6 PagesObesity in America Today, 78.1 million American adults and 12.5 million children are obese. Obesity in America is a unstoppable epidemic. Since the 1960s, the number of obese adults have doubled and the number of obese children have tripled. Because of America’s obesity problems, Surgeon General David Satcher issued a report saying; The Surgeon Generals Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight, said that obesity have reached epidemic proportions in America. Obesity in America has noRead MoreObesity : Becoming An Epidemic Problem Essay1437 Words  | 6 Pageson the serious epidemic problem we face today in the united states with obesity. Obesity has become an epidemic problem in the U.S. Obesity is the condition of being very fat, The difference between being overweight and being obese is that being overweight means that a person is above a weight that is considered normal and healthy, but if they gain more weight it could possibly put them in the obese category. It is all measured by BMI, which stands for â€Å"body mass index†(About Adult BMI). BMI relatesRead MorePersonal Responsibility: An Analysis of Obesity in American Adults 1104 Words  | 5 PagesBeing obese seems to be a growing epidemic in the United States. It is not, just a problem with appearance and social life. Each person is accountable for its own health, control its own eating habits and the time devoted to exercising. Can we all be responsible to the decisions of a group of people? The answer, that shared by several is probably not. Nevertheless, in the last few years, this medical condition that increases the likelihood of a range of diseases in which excess body fat has accumulatedRead MoreFast Food Essay816 Words  | 4 Pages Obesity is a major food epidemic. This food epidemic has become so global that it is a leading death cause in America. Many Americans have vouched for a sedentary lifestyle due to their unhealthy eating habits. What they do not realize is the unhealthy food choices that they make now will affect them in the future. The food industry is a major contributor to this. The food industry is affecting the health of future generations due to how easy it is for people to access and their over consumptionRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On American Adults And Children1213 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Obesity Obesity is on the rise in American adults and children. Over 78.6 million Americans are considered obese (CDC, 2014). Health experts believe the obesity crisis has become an epidemic that needs to be controlled. Today many efforts are being made by Federal and state governments and some major companies to combat obesity in adults and children. For example, some major companies are rewarding employees with cash incentives for exercising regularly and maintaining a healthyRead MoreObesity Invasion Of The United States1247 Words  | 5 Pages Obesity Invasion An invasion is occurring right under America’s nose, it’s has spread like wildfire through the vast mountains of California. What is this invasion I speak of you may inquire? Well, it is expansion of the American’s waistlines that is soaring at such alarming rate it astounding. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention concedes that â€Å"obesity is affecting 1 out of every 3 adults and 1 in 4 children.†A study conducted by Ramon Martinez, a technical specialist in health metricsRead MoreImplications Of The Obesity Epidemic On Military Service Essay1236 Words  | 5 PagesImplications of the Obesity Epidemic on Military Service Members and Their Families The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of the obesity epidemic on the military community and to help develop a conceptual framework that will assist in a future literature review. This paper will identify the prevalence of obesity in the military community. In addition, this paper will discuss the implications of the obesity epidemic on the military community as well as the current steps being taken toRead MoreThe Battle Against Obesity Is A Health Issue Of Great Importance1237 Words  | 5 Pagescommunity and public health nurses alike, the battle against obesity is a health issue of great importance. Obesity is shown to be directly responsible for many of the negative health issues we see today. It contributes to higher risk of having chronic disease and poor health (which will be explained). Obesity is a nationwide epidemic stretching across the whole human development spectrum: from childhood obesity, adolescent obesity and adult obesity. The prevalence of child ren being overweight is growingRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic : Obesity Essay1696 Words  | 7 PagesThe obesity epidemic proves to be an issue in America and continues to grow with time. In simple terms, obesity is a disorder where the subject has increasing amounts of fat, leading to health problems in the future. This epidemic has steadily increased in American bodies for decades and researchers have tried to find the root causes of this problem. Though there is controversy as to what is the primary cause of this rising epidemic, it is clear that there are many factors that contribute to theRead MoreRisk Factors for Stroke in Young Adults1635 Words  | 7 Pages Risk Factors for Stroke in Young Adults Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States (CDC para. 1), affecting more than 7 million Americans over the age of 20 and representing 3% of the population (Rogers et al. e68). Current estimates suggest close to 800,000 Americans will experience a stroke each year; however, symptoms related to strokes often go undiagnosed. The prevalence of undiagnosed strokes is estimated to be 17.8% of the population over the age of 45, but some minorities
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Wanderer Free Essays
I sat there on the bus, contemplating the abnormal events of the day and staring at the thick snow that lay outside. It was a long bus journey back to my house and I had a long time to spend with the not particularly talkative driver. I think the driver had become accustomed to my presence as I travelled on the bus every Friday night. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wanderer or any similar topic only for you Order Now He would always let me on the bus without charging me and wait for another ten minutes and see if anyone else got on, which they never did. I had not, for as long as I remember had a conversation with him, and had for a long time now forgotten the sound of his voice. The only sound I would hear on a typical journey was the quiet grumbling of the bus driver and the loud roaring of the buses engine. Nobody got on the bus this late at night. I was as I was saying, contemplating the events of the day, when I was interrupted mid thought by a more pressing realization. The bus was now stopping. This may seem a very normal thing for a bus to do, this bus however never stopped except for myself. The bus had stopped to let on another passenger. I looked forward to this, as my usual journey would include no human interaction. The passenger was a man, that I guessed to be in his mid thirties. I took a quick look up and down him. I looked up and down him again with a bit more detail. No snow, he must have been standing at the bus stop for a little while, as buses never come on time, yet he had avoided getting any snow on him. My own boots were cased in a think slushy mess, but his fine black shoes were hardly even wet. My jeans and thick jacket, which I was quite fond of, were no longer covered in snow but were wet from the snow that had melted in the comfortable warmth of the bus. His trousers that had been ironed to perfection and the suit that he wore were both black as midnight and looked of incredible quality. The man himself was bald and was cleanly shaven; he was yet to face me as he was talking to the bus driver. He carried nothing in his hands but kept his body still with his arms by his sides while talking. I started to hear their conversation after I was done scanning his person. â€Å"Shame that it had to happen isn’t it?†The bus driver said in a burst of conversation. This in itself came as a shock to my system; it was such a long time since the bus driver had spoken in my presence. What was a real shock is what came next. â€Å"Yes, the poor elderly lady must have been quite shaken by the ordeal.†replied the stranger. His voice was eerie. He talked normally of course, but that was the problem, it was too normal. He voice stayed at the same volume and pitch all the time, he didn’t change the level of excitement in his voice. He had no accent, he spoke perfectly and I was surprised to find that the bus driver, who had a strong accent, could understand him. It was then I realised that they were in fact talking about what they had interrupted me thinking about. Earlier in my day I had witnessed an attack on an elderly lady. A young teenager had an interest in her handbag and its contents. My good nature combined with my belief that today’s youth should not be able to do as they please, caused me to leap into action. I had started shouting at the young boy and walking towards him, I expected him to run away and that to be the end of it. I pushed the boy back from the old lady and told her that she would be okay and should hurry home. It was after this as I was swinging round to give the boy a stern talking to, that I felt a sharp blow to my neck and then it was black. I woke up about two minutes later with a bit of a sore neck but otherwise unharmed. The stranger walked down the bus and sat at a seat just in front of mine. I had seen his face as he walked down but there was nothing interesting about it, apart from the fact there was nothing interesting about it. He sat with the same amazingly straight posture as when he was standing. â€Å"Where you gettin’ off then?†the driver cried down the bus. â€Å"Crescent Road†the stranger replied. â€Å"Oh, surprise surprise†the bus driver chuckled to himself. The stranger didn’t understand what the bus driver was talking about but I did. The bus driver still only had to make the one stop because mine and the stranger’s stops were in fact the same. I thought this to be a remarkable coincidence. I returned to watching the snow falling gently outside. The night sky seemed to give me the impression that tonight was different in some way to every other night. I was snapped out of this small trance by the stranger standing and making his way to the front of the bus. Fortunately he was on the bus to remind me that at some point I would have to get off, and up I leapt. The bus pulled in to the stop as I staggered to keep my balance. The stranger moved to the side to let me past and to say thank you to the driver. I got off the bus and stepped onto the crisp snow that had just fallen. The stranger followed and we started on our way home. The stranger barged past me and started to walk briskly. I thought this to be quite rude and so I started to walk just as briskly to catch up with him. Even when in a hurry the man walked with impeccable posture. â€Å"I much prefer the summer to this.†I said jokingly in an attempt to spark a conversation. The man simply took a deep breath and proceeded to walk more slowly. I walked beside him, he looked quite troubled. I felt compelled to try and comfort him. I reached to put my hand on his shoulder as my brain prepared my next sentence. He stopped. His head darted in the direction of my face. It was not that he was looking at me, more that he was looking exactly in my direction. His look was empty and cold. He continued on his way and I kept my distance, I hoped he would enter one of the houses that we were passing but he didn’t. He continued to wander the same way as I was. He wandered across the small road we came to and up onto the footpath that lead up to my cul-de-sac. The road was known for being dangerously icy. The path was also terribly dark and had trees along either side. This was all well and good during the daylight hours, but at night however the trees took on a more sinister presence and seemed to position themselves to block out the view of the moon or any other source of light. In front of me was the man, no more than five metres away. I could only just make out his suit and trousers. I could only just make out his shape. He was getting further away from me. I was trying to navigate the slippier parts of the path. â€Å"Are you having as much trouble as I am?†I exclaimed trying again to get the attention of the wanderer. â€Å"Don’t be silly†the wanderer turned and said. I could only just make out his face and was unsure whether he was talking to me or himself. Before I could come to this decision he turned and started the brisk walking again. I followed to catch up with him and was looking for him through the black screen that was in front of my eyes. I hit the ground. It hurt and I was catching up on what had just happened. I had tripped up on the shape of the wandering man. He had fallen in on the ice and from what I could see had hit his head off the ground. I leant over to help him up but was knocked away as he lifted himself off the hard frozen ground. He held his hand to his head, and I was now quite worried about him, he looked like he had hit the ground with some force. He looked very frightened and was almost running along the road. We exited the small wooded path and to a fork in the road. I could see my house from here it was the first in the cul-de-sac on the right. The wandering stranger made his way along the road to the left and I felt it was my duty to follow him and to see if he was okay. Luckily for him his house was not far along the road and he entered the front gate of an impressive looking building, the wanderer had found his home. He left the gate open for me and I entered the garden. He entered the house and I followed. I stood in his porch as he rushed upstairs. I heard the sound of running water and I assumed that he was cleaning himself up. He returned a short while after and came slowly down the stairs. He was talking to a woman which I can only presume was his wife. â€Å"I am fine really, I just got a bit shook up along the path there†the man said. â€Å"I do worry about you, you know†Replied his wife â€Å"Look what happened to that kind gentleman in town today. He helps an old lady get her handbag back and gets beaten to death†I stood there baffled, and felt a shiver down my spine. I started to feel myself slipping away as I struggled with the events of the day. I had stopped wandering, I had found my home and I knew where I had to go†¦ How to cite The Wanderer, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Logistics And Operations Management Development at Apple
Question: You are an Operations Manager for organisation listed below: Apple You are currently reviewing the product portfolio in order to introduce a new or modify an existing product/service. Assignment Task Design or modify a product or service for your chosen organisation. You are to report on the following: An introduction to the product or service Detail of the importance of process design on the product or service The overall aim and objectives of the product/service using process design Stages of product/service to illustrate your design concept Analysis of the impact of performance objectives on the design Your report should include relevant academic models to support your analysis. Answer: Introduction The product/service designing or the modification in the product is evaluated as the most crucial task in the operational management. As the operations manager, the designing of the new product/service and modification in the existing ones is included in the primary responsibilities. The product designing is the task which includes the team efforts and the pre-planning. For this, the managers have to prepare the suitable blueprint, so that the designing phase can easily be completed. Other than the designing phase, if the modification phase will be considered then the improvements can only be possible by the feedbacks of the customers or from the different reviews. The company selected for the designing or the modification of the product is a very well renowned company named as Apple. The company is continually launching various products with the well -defined operating system and with the unique features too. The specialization of the company is mainly in preparing the iPhones, iPads and the wide range of laptops. With the new techniques, there are chances of improvement. In fact the product designing phases may also change according to the requirement of the product. So, it is essential to study each and every aspect related to the product. The existing services offered by the Apple are selected here for the description. Apple Service Program is broadly categorized into two parts named as the Apple Care Products and the Apple authorized service care provider program. Apple provided various services which include the services to the individuals, services to the institutions the professionals, and the service to the resellers the professional s. Though, these services are providing the best solutions to the users, but simultaneously these services require some modifications to compete in such a competitive environment (Apple Inc., 2016). The product portfolio helps a lot in finding out the suitable service for the discussion. The report shown below mainly covers the aspects related to the product design and the role of the product designing in providing the suitable services. Actual Modification to the Product The modification not only improves the service, but by the help of this, the various new services may also launch. As it is defined above, that Apple mainly offers two types of services, but the modification is done both on the professional as well as on the professional level. On the professional level, the Apple offers services for inspiring the Mac operating system and iPhones by providing the online assistance to the customers. Similarly, for the personalized services, Apple prepared some of the Apps all over the world. For example, in the U.K. Apple prepared the AHIPS service for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The modification in the IOS security also provides the suitable aspects of the growth and development. The modification in the existing services can able to provide the suitable aspects related to the services. Process Design The process designing is the most essential aspect in the formation of the new product. The steps followed in the designing of the product will directly influence the performance and the making of the product. As it is defined in the introduction section above, that the most suitable services provided by the Apple are selected for the modification. Jonathan Lve with Steve Job introduces the concept of designing the product in the organization (Elmansy, 2014). This information on designing the product is highly confidential and are generally not disclosed in front of anyone. Some of the aspects due to which the process design is getting famous are defined below: - Due to the process design, the services can able to achieve the suitable targets as per the requirements. After following the guidelines for the design process, the changes may also be done in the existing services. The products or the services can able to provide the most efficient results or the output to the users, if they follow the suitable process design formed by the designers of the company (i.e. Apple). The design process is also helpful in synchronization of the services in order to provide the best results. In contrast to that Apple Authorized service care program, the innovated approaches are designed to provide the suitable output to the customers. (Peters, et al., 1999). By the impact of the process design, the areas of providing the services get more widened and varieties of services are provided to the customers. By the suitable process design, the services are provided in a well defined sequential manner. Both the services provided by the Apple (i.e. Apple Care Products and the Apple authorized service care provider program) can perform better by adapting the suitable growth aspects from the process design program. By analyzing all these important aspects, it is clear that the process design plays a very important role in the product making and the services provided to the customers. To achieve the maximum positive responses from the customers, it is essential to follow the suitable aspects related to the product design. Aim/Objectives of the Product/Service As it is clearly defined above, that Apples service is considered for the processing. Apple is providing the most suitable services to the customers. But, the introduction of the similar product in the market requires the modification in the existing services. The aims or the objectives of the service to use the product designing are the maximum usage of the unique aspects used in the process. The Apple adapts the most unique process to design the products. It is very difficult to disclose the internal process of the organization (Agarwal, 2012). Apple actually appoints selected candidates for designing the services or the product. From them, Engineering Program Manager (EPM) and Global Supply Manger (GSM) holds an important position. They are responsible for maintaining the designing process of the product fluently. The suitable procedure followed by the process designing also helps in completing the major aspects related to the services (Nordmeyer, 2015). So, the existing and the u pcoming services wants to follow the suitable process designing aspect. The Apple also follows the Iteration Process while creating designing the new products. Through this process, the managers or the team members continuously watch the modifications which are required in the existing services. After this, the suitable improvement may be done in the existing services. For an example, currently the Apple is providing the Apple Care products to the customers for their personal, professional and the institutional uses. Suddenly the requirement related to the personal service changes (Team, 2014). With the help of the iteration process, the required changes can be done easily and the services may also get benefit from the designing process. Stages of Product/Service The development of the product or services is divided into various stages or the steps to show the suitable aspect related to the product. To develop the services, the Apple team adapts various types of strategies and process so that the final delivered services are more advanced and appropriate according to the requirement. The Apple also defines the concept of the (ANPP) Apple New Product Process information which is helpful in showing, that when would be the development of the new product or the services may be started (Kellingley, 2016). At present, although the company is at the top order of the users choice, yet it needs a number of amendments in its services. Two of the crucial reformations in the existing services of the Apple Service Program are provided below: The Apple authorized service provider program is for the resellers and the professionals only. Sometimes the candidates doing their business from home also requires these services. So, the company could include leading softwares in their service providers that could allow candidates to access the services from home without visiting offices and facing queue troubles. The Apple Care products also need some modifications. These products are mainly designed for the individuals, institutions and the professionals, the resellers and the service providers. But, the level (i.e. price) of the service provided is not decided by the Apple. So, as a reformation a new service could be introduced in which Apple could hold sessions to decide the price. An innovative team could be organized that takes care of the prices and carry out reformations in it on the basis of the dynamic choices of and requirements of the consumers. The other necessary amendments are also required in this perspective. After analyzing all the essential amendments which should be done in the existing services, it is essential to identify the suitable stages in the completion of the process. The each phase of the product design has their own importance in providing the services to the customers. The diagrammatic representation of the product designing process is shown below: - (ZURB, Inc., 2016) As the above diagram clearly shows that the product designing phase is divided into five major phases which are named as the Define, Ideate, Prototype, Build and Analyze. The define Phase is included in the Design Strategy. The Ideate and the Prototype are included in the interaction design. The Build and the Analyze phase are included in the interface designing phase. All these phases work simultaneously to provide the most suitable process design. If the existing services will follow this diagram, then the chances for the modification will be increased. Rather than these important steps, the Apple also adapts the paired design Mock ups, Pixel perfect Mock ups and the Pony meetings which take into consideration while defining the product designing phase of the product. Major aspects related to the Product Rather than the design process and the maintenance of the product efficiency, there are some other aspects too which are essential to understand in contrast to the products. Some of the other aspects are defined in the points below: - Idea generation or the development of the new product is considered as the most important aspect. The idea is generated by analyzing the current products in the market. For providing the services to customers, a well defined and highly advanced technology is adapted by the Apple. By doing the Feasibility study of the particular services, it is quite clear that though it takes a lot of time and money in bringing the changes in the services, but the best services are tried to deliver. Some of the common modifications are the changes in the ways of providing the services and the online assistance to the customers. The product specification can be defined to the customers either by using the social media or by showing the various adaption aspects in the product. The product specification of the services provided by the Apple is responsible for increasing the sale of the product and the services. Process Specifications are helpful in providing the reliability and the trust among the people. By identifying the process specifications, the customers can attract more towards the services. Prototype Development is the aspect in which the initial model is made, which is helpful in identifying the aspects related to the updated services that whether the services are helpful or not for the customers. Design Review is the systematic and comprehensive method to analyze the capability and adequacy of the design to check whether it is fulfilling the future requirement or not. Market Test can be done by adapting the four methods which are named as the direct exploration, Monadic Testing, Paired comparison Monadic Testing and the Discrete Choice Testing. By these testings, the actual market aspects can be defined. Product Introduction can be done with the help of the promotion or by creating the suitable introduction of the product in the market. Follow up evaluation can be done by adapting the suitable evaluation as per the requirement. The proper evaluation plan is prepared in which the modified services are evaluated and assumption can be made that whether these services are helpful or not. Rather than this, there are some of the other factors which are also considered while modifying the existing service. As Apple modified the existing professional and the personalized services, so the efforts should be taken to increase the reliability, durability and the dependability. To increase the reliability, the suitable trust of the customers must be developed. To maintain the durability, the suitable updation of the product should be done. By considering all these aspects the suitable product can easily be delivered to the customers. Impact of the Performance Objectives on the Design To identify the impact of the performance objectives on the design, it is essential to identify the meaning of the performance objectives. The performance objectives are decided according to the requirement of the organization and developing of the product or service in the organization. These objectives are helpful in providing the suitable standards for the growth and development of the products or the services. According to the design of the product or services, the performance objectives are categorized into five major types (Westland, 2010). They are named as the Quality, Speed, dependability, Different costs and the flexibility. The performance Objectives can influence the design process both in the positive and the negative manner. Quality: - Here while carrying out the amendments in the Apple Care services and even in the services rendered by the authorized service provider, the Quality performance objective is helpful in defining the performance of the product or services in terms of productivity. Before launching the product or introducing reformations in the existing services, there are various aspects which are focused. All the aspects are analyzed according to the standards, whether they are focused or not. If the services reformations perform well, then it will create the positive impact on the design or the modification will be required. Speed: - The services may also be successful in the market by providing the suitable speed to the customers. By this, the customers can easily able to adapt the services provided by the Apple. In fact, the online assistance provided by the Apple is the speediest service. Dependability: - The dependability objectives are helpful in showing the aspects related to the organization which are related to the delivery of the products or services. If they are delivered on time and on a definite cost, then this aspect in reference to the product or service can be successful and if not delivered appropriately, then the modification is required. Cost: - Similarly the different costs and the flexibility in creating the products or services can also create a positive impact if completed on time and the approach is not successful, if failing in proving the suitable aspects related to the product or services. So, for the performance objectives, it can be concluded that to obtain the suitable feedback from the services, it is essential to manage the products and services in a suitable and well-defined manner. Fast Accessing: - The performance objective also provides the methods of easy accessibility and processing. To make the speed fast and to increase the reliability, the advanced services are provided to the customers. Influence of the Academic Models The Academic models play an important role in the product designing and the service provided by the Apple. All these academic models work in a different manner and designed to provide the various services to the customers. One of the models which are currently used by the Apple is named as the New Product Design and Development (NPDD), which is helpful in providing the suitable development of the product. The NPDD is considered as the most generic model and is mainly useful for creating the step by step products and introducing reformations in services in the organization. This model is highly used and generally creates the positive influence on the product. Similarly, for managing the process design, some of the visualization tools are also helpful. These Visualization tools are helpful in making the task easier and faster. They help in reducing the development time and also provide the completion of work at less cost. As Apple is the renowned company and also contributes in the Cor porate Social Responsibility so to follow this aspect, the sustainable designing model is also used by the Organization. This model mainly focuses on the sustainability of the product and if the product is not in use, then it will become easier to recycle it. This will create a positive impact on the environment and also recycles the existing product so that it can be used in the near future also (Kaziboni T Uys, 2012). By assuming all the perspectives and the various aspects, it is clear that the design process plays a major role in the designing of the product or modifying the existing services. It is recommended that, to maintain the services, the Apple has to plan the suitable strategy and also have to focus on all the valuable perspectives. Bibliography Agarwal, A., 2012. New product development at Apple. New product development, 04 December. Apple Inc., 2016. Welcome to Apple Service Programs. [Online] Available at: https://www.apple.com/in/support/programs/ Elmansy, R., 2014. How Does Apples Design Process Work?. How Does Apples Design Process Work?, 26 November. Kaziboni, A. T Uys, 2012. The Selection of Academic Role Models, s.l.: s.n. Kellingley, N., 2016. Apples Product Development Process Inside the Worlds Greatest Design Organization. Apples Product Development Process . Nordmeyer, B., 2015. Objectives of Operational Performance. Operational Performance. Peters, A., EM Rooney J.H. Rogerson, 1999. New product design and development: a generic model. s.l.:The TQM Magazine. Team, V., 2014. Apple Marketing Strategy. [Online] Available at: https://www.vertygoteam.com/apple/apple_marketing_strategy.php Westland, J., 2010. 5 Goals Every Project Manager Should Aspire to Achieve. Goals Every Project Manager Should Aspire to Achieve, 23 April. ZURB, Inc., 2016. Design Process. [Online] Available at: https://zurb.com/word/design-process
Friday, November 29, 2019
KURDISH ISSUE Essays - Kurdistan, Ethnic Groups In Turkey
KURDISH ISSUE 1- FACT BASED ISSUES Since the end of World War I, Kurdistan has been administered by five sovereign states, with the largest portions of the land being respectively in Turkey (43%), Iran (31%), Iraq (18%), Syria (6%) and the former Soviet Union (2%). The PKK's origins can be traced back to 1974, when ?calan, in Ankara, led a small group of radicals out of Revolutionary Youth (DEV-GEN?). The Kurdistan Workers Party, Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (PKK) was established in 1978. ?calan, the leader of the organization took refuge in Syria, after 1980, following the efficient struggle against such organizations by the Turkish Security Forces. In the annual report of the U.S. State Department published in April 1993 under the title of Patterns of Global Terrorism the PKK is described as a Marxist Leninist terrorist group composed of Turkish Kurds seeking to setup a Marxist state in Southeastern Turkey The PKK is recognized and classified as a terrorist organization by all Western countries including the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. France and Germany, recently, banned the activities of this terror group and other West European governments, are closely monitoring the situation. PKK's Subordinate Military Committee established under the name of Liberation Units of Kurdistan (Hazen Rizgariya Kurdistan-HRK) was dissolved and replaced by Kurdistan Peoples Liberation Army (Arteshen Rizgariya Gelli Kurdistan-ARGK) after the Third Congress of the PKK held in Damascus-Syria in October 1986. The external center of the PKK operates through the National Liberation Front of Kurdistan (Eniya Rizgariya Netewa Kurdistan-ERNK) which was established on March 21, 1985. The ERNK started to operate after 1989 when the European countries opened their doors and allowed it to flourish in their territories. The United States Department of State Bureau of International Narcotic Matters, has published a report in 1992, called International Narcotics Control Strategy. This report stipulates that the European drug cartel is controlled by PKK members. NUMBER OF DEATHS YEAR Terrorist Civilian Soldier Police Village Guard 1984 11 20 24 - - 1985 100 82 67 - - 1986 64 74 40 3 - 1987 107 237 49 3 10 1988 103 81 36 6 7 1989 165 136 111 8 34 1990 350 178 92 11 56 1991 356 170 213 20 41 1992 1055 761 444 144 167 1993 1699 1218 487 28 156 1994 4114 1082 794 43 265 1995 2292 1085 450 47 87 (First 6months) TOTAL 10416 5124 2087 313 813 RESOURCE: http://www.mfa.gov.tr/grupa/ac/acf/acf1/pkk.htm GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF APPROXIMATE KURDISH POPULATION YEAR 1990 Region Population (in thousands) proportion to total Do?u 2230,29 41,96 G?neydo?u 2365,04 64,98 Ege 296,99 3,98 Karadeniz 37,88 0,5 Anadolu 579,38 5,53 Marmara 810,13 6,09 Akdeniz 726,55 8,95 Total 7046,25 12,6 RESOURCE: S.MUTLU,"The Population of Turkey by Ethnic Groups and Provinces", New Perspectives on Turkey, 12 (Spring 1995), p.49 2- VALUE BASED ISSUES The Republic of Turkey openly states that: 1. The territorial integrity and sovereignty of Turkey is beyond discussion. PKK is an organization, whose ideology is based on Marxism-Leninism, seeks to establish an independent Kurdish state encompassing Turkey's southeastern provinces. The Anatolian people have a common past. They have lived together for ten centuries thus creating a Turkish identity. The term Turkish refers to being a Turkish citizen. It does not reflect any ethnicity. The Anatolian people as a whole struggled for the independence of Turkey and everybody has contributed immensely in building this state. Turkey is forced to its legitimate self-defense for its territorial integrity and the protection of its people. 2. In the Republic of Turkey, which relies upon the rule of law, everyone has the freedom to pursue his or her rights through legal means. The constitution of the Republic of Turkey treats individuals on equal footing before the law irrespective of their language, race, color, sex, political opinion, conviction, religion and creed. The terrorist acts of PKK in a country where all legal and democratic means for the prevalence of justice is open for all, cannot be justified. It is the legitimate right of any country facing terrorism to root it out with all legal means available to it. Turkish citizens, irrespective of their ethnic origins, are free to form or to support a political party that expresses their political views and all Turkish citizens. Moreover regardless of ethnic background, have the right to participate actively in Turkey's multi-party system. All citizens are free to organize and to join political pressure groups, including human rights organizations. 3. Turkish citizens of Kurdish
Monday, November 25, 2019
Big Brother essays
Big Brother essays Those who would trade their liberties for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. That quote by Benjamin Franklin described mindset that leads to totalitarian government. The British novelist, George Orwell is known for his chilling governmental satire. Animal Farm, his other well-known novel is a look into the past, his novel 1984 was a eerie prophecy into the not so distant future. This view of a negative Utopia has become so well known that people who believe in his theory are called Orwellian. But do we exist in a manner similar to the prophecy of the world in which he claimed to be what life would be like in 1984? The answer is No, but in just a few years we could. Ironically one of the greatest differences in our society and the society of Orwell, is that in 1984, the gene which leads to sex has been suppressed. For In our society promiscuity and suggestiveness have gotten maybe not more common but certainly more public. When Orwell published 1984, this seemed to be a logical conclusion that such an event might happen. For in the Post- World War II, generation sex was expressly hidden. For example on television the Rock musician Elvis Presley was not shown below the hips because it was considered far too suggestive. In this aspect Our Society more resembles the other most famous novel of a negative utopia, Aldous Huxleys Brave New World. However we do share some similarities. Part of the power base in 1984 has its power exclusively through the deception of the people. Winston for example accepts the fact that two plus two does in fact equal five. As we know, two plus two equals four. The most important way in which we can prevent turnining into an Orwellian society is to not be able to be misled. To prevent the society of which we live from becoming Orwellian we must stave off apathy. For it is a slipp ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Motive and Murder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Motive and Murder - Research Paper Example The physical evidence collected from the crime scene led the police to suspect O. J. Simpson who was ex-husband of Nicole Brown. They have divorced two years back. There were also incidents of domestic violence, which Nicole Brown informed to her family, and also to the police. Nicole’s Brown also blamed O. J. Simpson for killing Brown (Hunt, 1999). As far as Ronald Goldman was concerned, he just came for returning sunglasses of Nicole Brown’s mother, Juditha Brown who left them on a restaurant table. Ronald Goldman was a waiter at the restaurant, Mezzaluna Trattoria in Los Angeles (Linder, 2000). The case is still unsolved because O. J. Simpson, against whom all the evidence are obtained, has attained the services of influential defense team who have proved all the evidences as framed against Simpson. The investigative team relied on some proofs that they collected from the crime scene in order to convict O. J. Simpson for murdering his ex-wife and the waiter. Mueller (1996) informed that the investigators depended on three sorts of proofs. The first proof to analyze Simpson, being an important suspect, was his motivation for committing the murder. As per Simpson’s statement, he never wanted them to get divorced as he said, â€Å"I loved her, I didnt want us to separate†(Vannatter, 1994) but, he also realized that their relationship had been ‘a problem relationship’ (Vannatter, 1994). However, he was not happy for his separation. They broke their relationship for the second time. Afterwards, they got divorced. They also thought about some reconciliation and had tried it to work out for them, but they failed (Mueller, 1996). Simpson in his statement informed about his relationship, â€Å"we both knew it wasnt working†(Vannatter, 1994). Mueller ( 1996) also informed that Nicole Brown returned his ‘birthday gift’ and when they were at the dance recital for their daughter, Sydney, Brown excluded him from the family circle and also from the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
International Fasion Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International Fasion Marketing - Research Paper Example From this paper it is clear that may pose some hurdles in crossing national borders in terms of compliance with the foreign country’s national law and ethics. Specially as Brora is going multinational, the terms and conditions related to a helpline that is being governed by British law has been assessed as a negative factor for international customers.Brora was started as a small enterprise with a narrow range of cashmere sweaters, but with the passage of time, it swelled to 15 stores in the UK. The primary factor was the use of modern technology for marketing and servicing purposes.As the discussion stresses the extent of variation and popular addition to the stock can also be counted in the economic gain of the company. Even by maintaining relatively higher prices as compared to its competitors in cashmere, Brora has successfully maintained its market value. With the high notion of ‘made in UK’, Brora is quite well accepted in the UK. Brora has its genre of customers with which it has maintained good relations. While finding enough space in the peculiar market of cashmere, Brora has successfully expanded its business. Brora has successfully integrated the traditionalism of handwork with the latest technology of cashmere production. If SWOT analysis is applied on Brora, we will find that Brora has many factors that are the necessary ingredients of its expanding business. It is wholly owned by Victoria Stapleton.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Small business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Small business report - Essay Example The results will be concluded and then recommendations will be provided based on the problems identified in the analysis stage. There is no one single, consistent definition of small business that is widely accepted. Therefore, there are different definitions for different sectors and regions. It is the objective nature of the business that defines the small business. In 1971, the Bolton Committee put down the two separate definition of small business with respect to economic and statistics. The economic definition stated that the small business is one that is relatively small share in the market, true owners run the place with no management structure and were independent. Whereas the statistical definition stated that the definition varied across the sectors. It said that manufacturing and construction were defined by the number of employees, retailing and services by turnover and road transport by number of vehicles. For example: A manufacturing businesses is considered small if it employs less than 200 employees (Storey, 1994). This perspective stated by Wynarczyk et al. said that the small firms will be different from the larger firms with respect to three important dimensions: uncertainty, innovation and evolution. The definition did not take a good pace in the minds of the researchers (Storey, 1994). Another definition of small businesses is laid down by the European Commission. They developed a new term ‘small and medium enterprises’ to define small businesses. This definition is invariant irrespective of the sector and region and uses only one variable, employee, to define the term. It stated that: The Bolton Committee definition faced severe criticism on several grounds. And therefore, the definition put forward by the European Commission supersedes all the other definitions and is most commonly used these days. The research suggested that most economists use their definitions of small business which they deem
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Development of Civil Rights
Development of Civil Rights Dulce Melgoza Rodriguez Civil Rights: Power to the People The seeking of civil rights is a seemingly endless fight that is still experienced in the United States on a daily basis. Since America’s early years, there has been a struggle for people of color to have as much rights as Caucasians. Skin color has determined privilege, and despite the fact that there has been progress, there has also been regress as well. When the idea of civil rights was in the early stages, not all were conformed to the thought. Some even took matters into their own hands, such as with the infamous group formation of the Ku Klux Klan. Even with the supposed protection under the law, blacks still came under the harassment and hate crimes that came from the KKK and typical discrimination under the Jim Crow Laws that followed them; even with the elimination of those said laws, people still refused to accept the minority race as an equal. An evident racism and reaction to civil rights seen today mirrors the past and holds true to the fact that civil rights hav e isn’t just one battle, and that it to be continuously sought after. Civil Rights are, by definition, the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality. Minorities in the United States have individually worked to gain their rights that weren’t given to them since birth as it was with the non-minority race. It is a lot easier to be white than to be a minority. For whites, they don’t typically deal with racial profiling because their skin color doesn’t make them look like the enemy nor are they reduced to a stereotype. In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence it is written that â€Å"we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights [†¦]†, however those rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were only to men who were white, and not to any other race or ethnic group. During the Civil War, a major tension between the north and south dealt with the topic of if blacks should be kept as slaves. North said no and the South said yes. After the loss of the Confederacy, and the establishment of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, blacks were happy, but the wealthy and plantation owners were not. African Americans exercised their new rights at first, but black codes were established that stripped them of their freedoms and reduced them to a level of indentured servitude. At this time as well the Ku Klux Klan rose to power to intimidate blacks so they wouldn’t attempt to gain more of their rights. The method was effective and fear and panic was spread throughout as members of the KKK could have been anyone from the average man to law enforcement officials. The period of Reconstruction in the South that was meant to be a prosperous time for blacks in America, didn’t prove to have as much progress as originally intended. Influential black activists who fought for their rights rose up at this time and made themselves known. Some looked for gradual methods to gain their freedoms and others demanded immediate equal rights. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in 1909 by W.E.B. Dubois. With the use of courts and legislature, the NAACP would fight for the Civil Rights of African Americans. Despite the Amendments established in the Constitution, Southern states imposed voting restriction laws to disenfranchise African Americans through the use of literacy tests, poll tax, and the grandfather clause. The South went even further by passing the Jim Crow Laws that instituted segregation between blacks and whites in public facilities. These laws came to be challenged in the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson where Homer Plessy, a part black and part white man who could technically use both white and black facilities, was told to move to the end of a train, and ended up suing. Plessy lost the case and out of it, the doctrine â€Å"separate but equal†was established and ruled that the fourteenth amendment only ensured political equality and that segregation was not the same as inferiority, which made segregation legal for the next sixty years. Civil Rights had a long ways to go at this point, and the discrimination against blacks was followed into both World Wars. In World War II, American troops told the French to treat the white troops better than the black troops and they bunked in segregated facilities. After WW2, Blacks fought alongside NAACP and the Congress of Racial Equality to eliminate the Jim Crow Laws. In 1954, Congress declared the â€Å"separate but equal†rule to be unconstitutional, with the court case of Brown v. Board of Education that desegregated schools and began to apply the 14th amendment to its full extent, though it would be eleven more years until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and fourteen years until the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Since the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, there has been change in the public policy towards the issue of racism and discrimination; however, it is still present despite the legislation passed to combat it. No matter how much America has gone forward in it’s advancements in Civil Rights, but just like it was in the 1860s, not everyone is willing to follow suit in the idea of equality for all races. The NAACP and other civil rights activist groups are still around today just like the KKK is. The need for civil tights is still prevalent today, and not just for blacks – but for all minority groups such as Hispanics, Native Americans, or Asians who have also benefitted off the legislation passed. In a typical election, most minorities would rather vote Democrat rather than Republican because the Democrats are those whose policies like Affirmative Action which seek to advance those who have been at a disadvantage throughout history. Liberal standpoints favor Civil Ri ghts while Conservatives have opposed them. When it comes to future policy-making issues, no minority wants to vote for an official who wouldn’t care about the importance of their rights and whose actions could lead to something simple as ignoring the fact discrimination exists and that it occurs to their constituents or to going out of their way to make the minorities the less represented group. This could go from anywhere such as gerrymandering, where district lines can be drawn up in a way to favor one party representation over another which actually has to be approved by Congress when done by the South to actual passing of legislation such as in Arizona’s Immigration Enforcement laws passed in 2010 that allowed for anyone who remotely looks â€Å"illegal†to a law enforcement official to be questioned and detained. Though it is a law that isn’t supposedly based on the color of one’s skin, it’s evident that the appearance of the individua l is what determines if the police officer approaches them and asks to see their papers. Progress is gradual overall, so there needs to be a stronger initiative to gain more than just rights, but also a sense of respect and to break the barrier of discrimination for something trivial like the color of one’s skin. There can’t be talk about progression when the progress is so little and there are people constantly trying to stop it through laws or discreet methods. If judging people on their race continues, nothing will ever get accomplished because the non-minority child will grow with a mindset that they can’t amount to anything. The institutionalized racism will discourage those minorities even though they are not to be the minority group within the future years of the growing population. The minority needs to know of their rights and the impact they can have on the United States if they banded together to bring change. All that needs to happen is for this group to understand they are not weak and that if they show the same amount of gusto that thei r predecessors showed, the United States could prove to be an entirely different place for its citizens, especially those of color.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Character of Hagar in The Stone Angel Essay -- Stone Angel
The Character of Hagar in The Stone Angel Death is a subject that everyone fears because they associate death with their end and not a new beginning. In The Stone Angel, by Margaret Laurence, Hagar is no different. When she faces the reality of the implications of growing old she is faced with a journey, not one of her choice but one of destiny. Through her journey Hagar goes through the five different stages leading up towards death: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. The novel demonstrates each of Hagar's steps along the difficult journey of death which is frightening and intimidating but also inevitable. When Hagar is first faced with the truth that she is getting old and not going to be around much longer, her first reaction is one of denial. Hagar cannot believe that this is happening to her. In her mind she more or less associates death as a horrible nightmare of which she will eventually wake up and everything will be a dream and life will return back to normal. Hagar's denial can be seen when she describes herself: "Because I cannot remember doing it nor yet recall definitely not doing it...I become flustered" (Laurence, 30). Hagar's greatest difficulty is that her memory is failing her and this infuriates her more than anything else but it also allows her to create an illusion that everything will be fine. Hagar makes herself believe that this cannot be happening: "Then, terribly, I perceive the tears, my own they must be although they have sprung so unbidden I feel they are like the incontinent wetness of the infirm. Trickling, they taunt down my face. I dismiss them, blaspheme against them - let them be gone. But I have spoken and they are still there" (Laurence, 31). Haga... ...s woman, Hagar, who is determined to leave the world dependent on no one. Hagar does not want anyone to feel pity for her, mourn her or worry about her journey. Hagar accomplishes her goal, even though in the process she has to shatter her illusion and accept the harsh facts about life and reality. In the final scene, the reader obtains the message that Hagar has reached her independence when she holds the glass of water. As a result she can leave the world peacefully knowing that in the end she succeeded in freeing herself of any help. Hagar bravely survived her last moments with her heart and the reward of satisfaction. The reader, with the help of the author, can relate to Hagar's struggle through her journey, sympathizing with her, feeling her pain and keeping a part of her with them. Works Cited: Laurence, Margaret. The Stone Angel. New York: Knopf, 1964
Monday, November 11, 2019
15 and 17 inch Multimedia LCD TVs: A Comparison
In the case of comparing a 15 inch multimedia LCD TV system with that of a 17 inch one for the purposes of deciding product continuity, one of the most important factors to be considered is its appeal to the buying public. In this case, the scenario is such that the 15 inch model is quickly losing favor with many customers, while its counterpart is enjoying a rise in sales, buoyed by excellent reviews of the product. Given the options available, I would have to say that two plans of action are equally desirable in dealing with the situation. The first would be to modify the product’s (15 inch LCD) features, styling or performance. It is entirely possible that the reason lesser customers are buying the product is merely because of a physical attribute. Perhaps customers no longer find it modern or state of the art in terms of the overall â€Å"look and feel.†Maybe its technical capabilities are easily dwarfed by the competition. Either way, modifying or â€Å"tweaking†the product’s attributes could bring about renewed interest among potential buyers. However, another option would be to simply discontinue the 15 inch model and focus solely on the 17 inch one. After all, why stick with a losing product? Eventually, profits coming from other areas would only be overshadowed by production and operational costs of this product. By discontinuing it entirely, even more people may become amenable to purchasing the 17 inch model, thus reducing company expenditures while maximizing profit. Nevertheless, in the world of business, only one option must be chosen and this choice almost always involves considerable risk. For this situation, I would have to go with choosing option one first, before doing the second. I would first see if a revitalization of the 15 inch product would change the way customers see it and subsequently cause renewed interest. If it still fails, then a discontinuation would be in order. This way, I can say with certainty that all viable avenues of decision were considered and exhausted before giving up on the product entirely. References Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2005). Principles of Marketing. Prentice Hall: 11th ed. Hill, C. & Jones, G. (2006). Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach. Houghton Mifflin Company: 7th ed. Miller, W. (2001). Proactive Sales Management: How to Lead, Motivate and Stay Ahead of the Game. Broadway, New York: American Management Association
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Whitman College Admissions and Acceptance Rate
Whitman College Admissions and Acceptance Rate As one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country, Whitman College has highly selective admissions. The acceptance rate in 2016 was 51 percent, and accepted students almost always have grades and standardized test scores that are significantly above average. Keep in mind, however, that the SAT and ACT are an optional part of the application. The admissions process is holistic. The college uses the Common Application, and an essay and recommendation are required parts of the process. Your extracurricular involvement can also play an important role. Interviews are recommended but not required. Will you get in if you apply to Whitman College? Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Percent of Applicants Admitted: 51 percentGPA, SAT and ACT graph for WhitmanTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 600 / 720SAT Math: 600 / 700What these SAT numbers meanTop Washington colleges SAT comparisonTop 4-year colleges SAT score comparisonACT Composite: 28 / 32What these ACT numbers meanTop Washington colleges ACT comparisonTop 4-year college ACT score comparison About Whitman College Located in the small town of Walla Walla, Washington, Whitman is a great choice for students looking for a quality education and engaged campus community in an intimate setting. For its strengths in the liberal arts and sciences, Whitman was awarded a chapter of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa honor society. Students interested in the sciences, engineering or law can take advantage of collaborations with top schools like Caltech, Columbia, Duke and Washington University. Academics are supported by a 8 to 1 student / faculty ratio. Whitman also offers a wide range of options for study abroad with programs in 23 countries. In athletics, the Whitman competes in the NCAA Division III Northwest Conference. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 1,493 (all undergraduate)Gender Breakdown: 43 percent male / 57 percent female97 percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $47,862Books: $1,400 (why so much?)Room and Board: $11,910Other Expenses: $800Total Cost: $61,872 Whitman College Financial Aid (2014-15) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 80 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 75 percentLoans: 55 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $25,630Loans: $5,471 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Biology, Economics, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science, PsychologyWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 94 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 83 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 88 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Soccer, Track and Field, Tennis, Swimming, Golf, Baseball, BasketballWomens Sports: Lacrosse, Volleyball, Track and Field, Basketball, Golf, Swimming Data Source National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Whitman College, You May Also Like These Schools Stanford University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphPitzer College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Washington: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSeattle University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphGonzaga University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCarleton College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWhitworth University: ProfileBowdoin College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphGrinnell College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphMiddlebury College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphLewis Clark College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphReed College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphPomona College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Whitman College Mission Statement mission statement from https://www.whitman.edu/about/mission-statement Whitman College is committed to providing an excellent, well-rounded liberal arts and sciences undergraduate education. It is an independent, nonsectarian, and residential college. Whitman offers an ideal setting for rigorous learning and scholarship and encourages creativity, character, and responsibility. Through the study of humanities, arts, and social and natural sciences, Whitman’s students develop capacities to analyze, interpret, criticize, communicate, and engage. A concentration on basic disciplines, in combination with a supportive residential life program that encourages personal and social development, is intended to foster intellectual vitality, confidence, leadership, and the flexibility to succeed in a changing technological, multicultural world. Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Social effects of 1864 essays
Social effects of 1864 essays President Lincoln has made a grave effort to emancipate the slaves and along with that, he has taken steps to enlist blacks in the armed forces. Although African-Americans served in the War of 1812 and the Revolution, the War Department was refusing to accept free Northern blacks who tried to volunteer. As the war continues to progress, emancipation has been proclaimed and manpower has run low. Black enlistees in the North are now accepted, sometimes with protest from whites from the North and the South. At the rate black enlistees are growing, it is estimated that they will make up about 10 percent of the total enlistees in the Union forces. Due to arrogance, discrimination, and most importantly-principle, the Confederate south has not yet been able to bring itself to enlist slaves. Instead, thousands are forced into labor regiments, forts, and the supplying of armies. Basically, slaves are kept busy with war-connected activities. They are the backbone of the Confederacy-as white men fight, blacks maintain the farms. It is surprising to say that the great majority of Southern slaves have done little to help Northern liberators. Had the south accepted blacks into the military, the Confederacy could bring its soldiers home and the war would have ended. As blacks in the south learned of Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation, they did not cast off their chains. Whether it was because of fear, loyalty, or simply, lack of leadership, blacks did not revolt. But, upon the approach of Union armies, thousands revolted when they abandoned their plantations. They may have not feared their owners as they saw the Union armies. The arrival of the armies may have given blacks a feeling of hope and liberation-a feeling that they are and have every right to be free. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Importance of SWOT Analysis to Newspaper Companies Coursework - 3
Importance of SWOT Analysis to Newspaper Companies - Coursework Example This research will begin with the statement that in this technological age and the competitive news media environment, newspaper companies need to use SWOT analysis to determine their market position and available opportunities that can help them make more profit. Use of SWOT analysis will help newspaper companies identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing them thus strategize to remain competitive in the market. SWOT analysis will help in making long-term decisions that will influence their competitiveness in the market. Another importance of SWOT analysis to newspaper companies is that it will help them understand competition and their market position. This will then help them in determining the best actions to take to remain competitive in the news media market. Understanding competition and market position will help them understand their competitors’ strengths and thus start borrowing their strategies and technology, which will help them remain competitive. SWOT analysis will also help a newspaper company in positive recognition. In this case, a newspaper company will understand their strengths and opportunities thus efficiently utilize them to remain viable in the market. It will help them discover their most important resources and use them more effectively to achieve their goals. In addition, SWOT analysis will also help them understand their weaknesses and threats thus come up with plans on how to eliminate or mitigate them. Lastly, SWOT analysis also helps Newspaper Companies determine if they are improving or diminishing thus take corrective action to restore their business operations.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Report Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Report Plan - Essay Example 3. Identify the Purpose of the Report The purpose of the report will be twofold. First, it will help the company increase its market share in third-world countries where the demand for laptops is increasing with every passing day but people have no other choice than to buy economical brands, such as, Samsung, Acer, and Fujitsu. The aim of the report is to help Apple, Inc. increase its market share in such countries by providing people with low cost laptops. People like to buy Apple products more than the products of any other brand. However, a high percentage of consumers cannot buy Apple products because their buying power does not let them do so. Therefore, if Apple Inc. manufactures low cost laptops particularly for third-world countries, I believe that both Apple Inc. and the consumers will benefited as the company will increase its chances of gaining competitive edge even in third world countries and the consumers will have an access to the top quality brand of the world. The se cond purpose of the report will be to make Apple Inc. play its role in reducing the problem of obesity in America. I think it is the responsibility of every major brand of the world to show corporate social responsibility by putting some efforts for solving social issues. I think putting efforts for reducing obesity is also a social cause for which Apple Inc. should play some role as popular brand. People like the products of Apple Inc. and when the company will take steps to create awareness among people about the severity of the disease, people will definitely listen to the advice with interest. Obesity is a disease for which level of awareness really matters in order for it to be reduced. Apple Inc. can create awareness about it through television ads, magazine ads, and social events. 4. Identify Potential Resources that will be needed for Support The potential resources that will be needed for support include commitment of top management towards change, financial resources to de velop low cost products, and employee support. All of these factors will work together to make the above-mentioned recommendations feasible for the company. 5. Identify Methods to be used to Gather Information To gather information about feasibility of the recommendations, surveys and questionnaires can be used. Distribution of online survey to the users of internet, particularly from third-world countries, can be a suitable choice to gather relevant data. Users of the internet will fill the survey form through which the company will know whether the idea to develop low cost laptops for the population of third world countries is feasible or not. Information about the need to work on the second recommendation about obesity can be collected through the statistics given on published journals. 6. Identify Criteria to be used to evaluate the Information Collected The collected information will be evaluated considering the age, qualification, and profession of people. For example, age of 18 to 40 years, qualification level of at least high school graduate, and job experience of at least 6 months will be considered. If a person fulfils any of the three criterions mentioned above, his/her filled survey will be considered for evaluation. The
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Everyones Gasoline Problems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Everyones Gasoline Problems - Assignment Example This indicates that there are a number of factors other than oil prices that dictate price fluctuations in gasoline. Â The factors that drive gasoline prices are complex and encompass international crude oil inventories, national wholesale product price discounting, inflation, domestic retail competition and federal taxes (Borenstein, Cameron, & Gilbert, 1997). The description and influence of the following factors on gasoline prices are described below: Â Price of Crude Oil: Reports from Federal Trade Commission recognize that changes in crude oil are the major contributing factor of the variability of gasoline prices. Crude oil prices, in turn, are reflective of supply and demand imbalances across the world, especially triggered by production levels set by OPEC countries. Rising demand in developing economies such as China and India also affect the supply and demand for crude oil. Â Infrastructure Issues: In the United States, the availability, consistency, and prices of gasoline are intricately linked to its production and delivery infrastructure such as transmission lines, processing plants etc. and are also a driver of gasoline prices. Â Weather: Many times, colder than normal weather patterns are responsible for short-term volatility in gasoline prices since fluctuations in weather can change (rise or fall) the demand dynamics of the commodity. Â Speculative Trading and Market Manipulation: Presence of unreliable price data and large price movements attracts the attention of speculators and hedge funds that see market volatility as an opportunity to make the profit. Speculative tradition can further cause gasoline market to be imbalanced and hence cause high price differentials. Â In case of premium coffees, it is assumed that the coffee market is currently in a state of equilibrium, i.e. the supply and demand for the product balance one other.Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Atomic Bombing on Japan Essay Example for Free
Atomic Bombing on Japan Essay On the morning of August 6th, 1945 at around 8:16 a. m. , the United States dropped the first bomb on Hiroshima. This bomb was given the nickname â€Å"Little Boy. †Three days after the first atomic bomb was dropped, on August 9th, 1945 at around 11:02 a. m. , the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki. This bomb was given the nickname â€Å"Fat Man. †These two bombs immensely destroyed these cities and took the lives of many people. There was an estimated 200,000 lives taken in the atomic bombing on Japan. The war on the Pacific had been going on for over four years before the atomic bombing occurred. There were two big battles that could have led to the United State’s decision of dropping the atomic bomb, the Iwo Jima and Okinawa. In these two battles there was an astounding amount of deaths taken in these battles from both sides. While both sides of the Japanese and American soldiers fought vigorously taking the many lives of one another, the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was a military necessity for the United States. The reason why the dropping of the atomic bomb was a military necessity is because there was nothing else to force Japan to surrender. President Harry S. Truman asked the Japanese to surrender on August 3rd, 1945 or face devastation, but the Japanese failed to meet the deadline. Truman ordered the air force to use the new atomic weapons against Japan. Some argued that if we would had waited a few more weeks, Japan would have surrendered. Others argued that there was no other way to persuade the Japanese to surrender but the atomic bombing. Truman said this was a simple military mission. He said a weapon was available to quickly end the war so he sees no reason not to use it. The alternative to dropping the atomic bomb was a ground invasion in Japan, which would have caused heavy losses to our American troops. From my perspective, I believe that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was necessary for the preservation and security of our nation. At the time of this incident, the United States was involved in World War II serving as part of the Allied Powers. Therefore, on the morning of December 7th, 1941, the Japanese decided to implement surprised attacks on Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor was a US Navy base located in Hawaii. The United States was not expecting these attacks at all. I feel that the attack on Hiroshima was retaliation for the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Although we may have gone a little over board, it had to be done to establish that the US was not a nation to be messed with. The Japanese’s opportunity to fight back was over after the first atomic bomb was discharged because the navy was taken out, the inability to import food and the lack of industrial supplies. In addition the second atomic bomb was dropped to seal the victory over Japan. Although both Japan and the United States suffered great losses from the altercations, Japan was left with much more trauma. The first atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima immediately killed an estimated amount of 66,000 people out of a population of 255,000. The second bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki instantly killed about 35,000 people. However, a numerous amount of soldiers and citizens of Japan did not immediately die. These bombings lead to an awful amount of physical effects that dismembered the country of Japan for many years. Many individuals of Japan either died or suffered from radiation burns, cancer, leukemia, and many other physical disorders. Research shows that radiation increases the long-term risks of cancer. At the time of the bombing, many pregnant women gave birth to children with congenital malformations because of the contact with radiation. After the bombing, there were said to be 6,500 orphans in the city of Hiroshima. Despite the many people that were killed in the bombings, Americans saved many lives on both sides by not invading Japan. The city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was essentially wiped out by the two atomic bombs. The bombs fiercely took out anything in its path. Not one thing or person within 800 meters of the bomb’s blast survived. Only parts of two buildings were standing after the bomb at the explosion site. The survivors in Japan had to clean up over 11. 5 square kilometers of debris and dead bodies after the bombing. This process took Japan four years to clear up. The bombings also cost Hiroshima $2 billion in damage. There were an estimated 60,000 to 90,000 buildings destroyed by the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. And an additional 14,000 buildings destroyed in Nagasaki. To conclude, the atomic bomb dropped on Japan by the United States was indeed a military necessity. The position of the United States at the time left our country with no other choice but to establish superiority; we needed to end the war. There was little sympathy for an enemy who had stimulated the fight and had behaved the way Japan had. Also, Japan’s surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor had left many Americans pleading for revenge. The atomic bomb did just that, wiping out almost entirely two cities in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although much tragedy and trauma had resulted from the attacks of both countries, the sacrifices were necessary and appropriate.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Status Of Languages In Mauritius English Language Essay
Status Of Languages In Mauritius English Language Essay The study of this dissertation is based on the use of modern technology in the teaching and learning process at secondary level education. Being a language teacher (French language), I have focused my study on language classes being conducted in a technology-based environment, also known as a Language Laboratory. This dissertation will seek to evaluate the use and the effectiveness of a language laboratory to teach second languages such as English and French languages in Mauritian secondary schools. It is a comparative study between the St. Andrews School, situated at Rose-Hill, which is equipped with a language lab and the Vacoas SSS (Girls) which represents the classical classroom method of teaching languages. 1.1 BACKGROUND: STATUS OF LANGUAGES IN MAURITIUS In the official website of the Government of Mauritius, the status of languages in Mauritius is described as follows: English is the official language. French is extensively used and Creole is widely spoken. Asian languages also form part of the linguistic mosaic. (Government portal of Mauritius 2012) However, when unfolding the above-mentioned description of the linguistic situation in Mauritius, we will see that it is not that simple, due to its complex history of immigration and colonization. 1.1.1 COLONIAL HISTORY OF MAURITIUS The colonial history of Mauritius is the root cause of our multiethnic and multilingual society. It all started with the Arab and then Portugese sailors who are believed to have visited our island in the early XVIth century. Between 1590 and 1710, the Dutch colonized the island and their main activity was the exportation of ebony wood. For this purpose, they brought several Malagasy slaves in Mauritius. However they have not made major developments apart from the introduction of sugar cane, domestic animals and deer. In 1715, Mauritius became a french colony and it has been extensively developped especially when Mahà © de Labourdonnais governed the country as from 1735. Many slaves were imported mostly from Africa and Madagascar and a few Indians came from Coromanddel and Malabar Coast. Other French governors continued the development of the island until 1810 when the British took over. However, they decided to preserve the laws, customs, language, religion and property, that is, the civil and judicial administration of the island as it was during the French reign. During the English colony, sugar production increased to become a major foreign income earner, thus leading to economic progress which called for the expansion and development of means of communication and appropriate infrastructure. All these development necessitated the importation of more slaves from Africa and Madagascar. However in 1835 the abolition of slavery brought major changes in the island on the socio-economic and demographic fields. A large number of indentured laborer from different parts in India were coming to Mauritius to work in the sugar cane fields and later a small number of Chinese traders joined them in the island. In 1907 the immigration ceased, however many Indians had already settled permanently in the island and as a matter of fact they formed the majority of the population. The gathering of a mosaic of people from India, China, Africa and Europe lead to a process of hybridization and intercultural frictions and dialogues. In 1959, voting took place for the first time on the basis of universal adult suffrage and the number of electors rose to 208,684. In 1968 Mauritius gained its independence. (Government protal of Mauritius 2012) 1.1.2 ACTUAL LINGUISTIC SITUATION OF MAURITIUS Today the population of Mauritius is more than 1.2 million people, which consists of 68% Indo-Mauritians (Hindus and Muslims), 27% Creole (Af ro-Mauritians and mixed population), 3% Sino-Mauritians and 2% Franco-Mauritians (CIA, 2008). Rajah-Carrim (2005) has identified eleven main languages actually used in Mauritius and she further classified them into three categories: colonial languages (English and French) and language of everyday communication (Creole), and ancestral languages (Indian and Chinese languages) which are used on limited occasions. Mahadeo (2004) explains the linguistic situation of Mauritius in these terms : Given the number of languages (at least 12) used by different ethnic groups in an island with a population which now exceeds 1.2 million people and an area of 720 square miles, Mauritius presents an extreme case of individual multilingualism According to Chiba (2006), Mauritius is the most linguistically fashionable place on the planet. Mauritian swap languages depending on the circumstances, in the same way as others change clothes. He further illustrated his point of view with the following example: Over the course of a day a typical Mauritian might use English to write a school essay, Kreol Morisien to chat with friends, French to read a novel and Bhojpuri to spend a quiet evening with the family. Chiba (2006) then classified the use of the major languages as follows: Home: Kreol and Bhojpuri Government and schools: English Business: French and Kreol Literature, newspapers and television: French Casual speech: Kreol However Chiba (2006) pointed out that this table is only an overview since French is also often present in government and English is not completely absent in the media. In his Ethnologue: Languages of the world, Lewis (2009) has enumerated the main languages spoken in Mauritius with their respective number of users: English: 3,000 speakers (1993), French: 37,000 speakers, Morisyen: 800,000 speakers (2005), Bhojpuri: 336,000 speakers (2001), Urdu: 64,000 speakers (1993), Hakka Chinese: 35,000 speakers (1990), Tamil: 31,000 speakers (2001), Eastern Panjabi: speakers (1990), Marathi: 11,800 speakers (1990), Telugu: 10,700 speakers (1990) and Gujarati: 3,340 speakers (1990). The main colonial languages used in Mauritius are English, which is the official language and French which is considered as the second and semi-official language and which is widely used in the media and for oral communication. However other languages such as Spanish, Italian and German are also used especially in the sector of education and tourism. The lingua franca of Mauritius is the Kreol Morisyen which is considered by the majority of Mauritians, as their mother tongue. Moreover, this language as acts as a language of unity and many works are being presently carried out to standardise its orthographe and its grammar. The Kreol Morisyen is now present in the education system of Mauritius, at primary level where the students are given the choice to opt for this language or an oriental language. A quite large number of ancestral languages are also present in Mauritius such as Bhojpuri, Hindi, Gujerati, Kutchi, Mandarin, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and Arabic, but their use are limited to cultural instances. However the Bhojpuri language can be considered as another lingua franca of Mauritius since quite a large number of Mauritians still use it for oral communication. 1.2 AIM The aim of this study is to find out whether the language lab can be considered as a solution to the various language issues faced by Mauritian students, by evaluating its impact in the teaching and learning process of languages at secondary level of education. 1.3 OBJECTIVES The set objectives of this study are to evaluate: 1. The level of improvement, if any, in the language competencies of the students with the language laboratory 2. The students level of comfort and ease in a language lab, a modern class setting and with modern learning tools. 3. The students level of motivation, interest and response in language laboratory classes. 4. The Teachers response, the classroom management and the classroom atmosphere in a language lab. 5. A comparison between language classes in a language lab and language classes in a traditional language class. 1.4 PROBLEM STATEMENT Mauritians are considered bilingual; we can communicate in both English and French languages. Even if Mauritians use the Creole language to communicate orally, English is the official language in Mauritius and French is considered as a semi-official language in Mauritius. Both these languages are taught in primary schools as compulsory subjects alongside the Mauritian Kreol and some oriental languages which are optional subjects. In secondary schools, English and French languages are core compulsory subjects from the Form I till the School certificate classes and they are taught as second languages and not foreign languages. Thus we can say that all Mauritian students study English and French languages since the age of 5 or 6 yrs old, but still at the end of the secondary education, few of us can have a proper conversation or can write a letter without grammatical errors in these languages. A precise analysis of the statistics, published by Mauritius Examination Syndicate MES on the pass rate of Mauritian students, clearly shows that the level of Mauritian students in English and French is low. Even though the percentage pass is high, quality-wise the results are not good. (MES, 2011) There are various factors which can explain this problem and the main reasons are: the lack of motivation of the students in language classes, the lack of exposure to the languages, contact with other languages, the decline of the reading culture, the language subjects being considered as less important subjects and the exam oriented syllabus among others. This research will thus propose an alternative way of conducting language classes, namely using the language laboratory. It will try to measure its effectiveness, efficiency and relevance and whether it can be considered as a solution to the above mentioned problem. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS According to the objectives of the study, the research questions have been formulated as follows: 1. What are the language issues in the teaching and learning process of second languages in Mauritius? 2. What are the roles of modern technology in language classes and to what extent can technology be a remedy to these issues? 3. What is a language laboratory and what is its impact in a secondary school? 4. What is the students and teachers response in a language laboratory which is a modern class setting with modern teaching and learning tools? 5. To what extent can the students compare this modern language class with their traditional language classes? 6. Have the teachers and the students noticed an improvement in their language competencies with the language laboratories? If yes, which specific domain(s) of their language competencies have been improved? (E.g. grammar, pronunciation, vocabularies, reading, writing, spelling, fluencyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Social Class in the Classroom Essay -- Sociology, Lower, Middle and Up
Social class has a large effect on the lifestyles of all Americans. But what does it really mean to be a part of the lower, middle or upper class? These divisions of social class are defined by aspects such as family income and lifestyle; however, education plays a large role in determining ones social class. That does not mean that it will determine success in ones life but to interpret, many people with a further education usually have a higher income as well. Those of the upper class have higher standards for education and career aspirations in contrast to those of the lower and middle class. Besides the differentiation of aspirations of the individuals of each social class, it is also used to determine who will go to college, depending on who can afford it or have no other priorities that can get in the way. There are approximately â€Å"20 percent of Americans in the lower class†(Long, Social Class Stratification, 18). In contrast with these 20% of Americans a long with the other 80% are a lot of differences when it comes to learning in the classroom. According to Lee Warren of Harvard University, â€Å"In many parts of the country, class differences are sharply defined by accent: people talk like the neighborhood they came from†(Class in the Classroom, 2) where as someone from a more â€Å"run-down†neighborhood might have a less sophisticated vocabulary, just because they do not speak that way on a daily basis. However, that is all stereotypical. People â€Å"wrongly anticipate the knowledge or potential of specific classes of children†and as a result â€Å"children from high-class families are sometimes viewed as being more intelligent than those from lower social classes†(Social Class-Effects 1), which is not right at all. The amount of mo... ...tudents in high-poverty schools. Indeed, low-income students given a chance to attend more-affluent schools performed more than half a year better, on average, than middle income students who attend high-poverty schools†(Kahlenberg, Middle Class Schools for All 2). From this data, it is clear to see that the type of school is what matters most, not income. Ones social income class should not be used to determine their intelligence, but to only advertise their yearly salary. Social class is a determinant used to define where a family stands in terms of salary and socioeconomic status. However, it is used to determine what will be offered to the family, for example, the type of school that each child will attend. But what it does not determine is the success of that student’s education attainment. Money can buy a college education yet, it will not buy literacy.
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